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Soft Cover Book

Right Body For You by Gary M. Douglas contributions Donnielle Carter

Only 9 left in stock
  • Welcome to Right Body for You by Gary M. Douglas!

    with major contributions from Donnielle Carter...

    What if your body was your best friend?

    What would it be like to begin enjoying your body no matter what size, shape, age or fitness?

    Isn't it time to stop the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck? 

    Is your body an ease or burden? This is a very different perspective about bodies and your ability to change yours. It might all be easier than you ever knew was possible!

    Right Body for You is a book that will inspire you and show you a different way of creating the body you truly desire.

    Any area of your life that isn’t ease, joy and glory is where you have a lack of consciousness or awareness.

    --Gary M. Douglas Founder of Access Consciousness

    What contribution is your body to you and your life?

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